Earlier stories: PDFs available on request.
- The benefit of the doubt The gay-ordination crisis was threatening to empty its pews and its coffers. That’s when the United Church of Canada began discovering what really holds it together: not knowing what to believe. Saturday Night April 1990
- Cry democracy For one native son, the land of black and white appears to be greying. But the struggle in South Africa is by no means over. Saturday Night August 1989
- Devil’s advocate To some defence lawyers, a conscience is a professional hindrance. Is the adversarial system not about truth and justice, then, but about winning and losing? Saturday Night December 1989
- The pollstergists Opinion surveys are fashionable tool of the information age, but they may be only slightly more reliable than a Ouija board. Saturday Night April 1988
- The uncomfortable pulpit Torn between the dictates of a global social conscience and dwindling congregations more concerned for their own souls, clergy in all the main churches face an ancient Christian dilemma. Saturday Night May 1988
- Irreconcilable differences In the aftermath of the Supreme court decision to strike down the existing abortion law, the two opposing camps agree on one thing–there’s nothing to debate. Saturday Night August 1988
- Second opinion High-tech medicine is raising serious questions about just how long a patient’s treatment should be continued. For good or ill, the age of the ethical consultant has dawned. Saturday Night October 1988
- Life-and-death issues Hospitals are turning to ethicists for help. Maclean’s May 1, 1989
- The masculine mystique There is no national committee, no budget for political action, but there’s definitely a men’s movement. Saturday Night June 1989
- Labour dispute In most developed countries, midwives are an integral part of the health-care system. But in Canada, the medical establishment still frowns on the practice. Saturday Night July 1989
- Two faces of eventide The twilight years are being remythologized from doddering old age into getting a new lease of life. But two stereotypes are just as unhelpful as one. Saturday Night January 1989