November, 1993
Toronto’s Sunnybrook hospital, confronted with the same perilous cash squeeze that afflicts administrators in the private sector, sees its novel cost-efficiency schemes as the only means of preserving topnotch health care Published in The Globe and Mail’s Report on Business Magazine, November 1993 It’s more than a year since Patricia M. was discharged from the … Continue reading Is There an Auditor in the House? (Report on Business Magazine)
March, 1993
Smashing open his head as a child may have set Stan Faulder on a path of depression, alcoholism, and, in one brief spasm, murder. He now sits on death row because successive Texas juries, unaware of his injury, say he’ll murder again. By Ivor Shapiro Published in Saturday Night magazine, March 1993 NOTE: THE FOLLOWING IS … Continue reading Once a Killer (Saturday Night Magazine)
June, 1992
When a small town lawyer challenged a large US heart-valve maker, he was motivated by high principles, not greed. But then he started to win By Ivor Shapiro Published in Saturday Night magazine, June 1992 The two-inch, two-column ad ran for a year and a half in newspapers in six major cities: HEART VALVE PATIENTS We … Continue reading The Ambulance Chaser (Saturday Night Magazine)
November, 1990
Companies expect Brownie points these days for being socially responsible. That may be enlightened self-interest, but it’s not ethics. By Ivor Shapiro Published in Saturday Night November 1990. View PDF of this article
February, 1990
Not far from the nature enthusiasts in Zimbabwe’s Hwange Wildlife Reserve, a different breed of fanatic tracks another kind of endangered species–the Garratt locomotive and its `Snake of Iron’. Saturday Night, January-February 1990
September, 1989
Pendant prés de 100 ans, les trappistes ont refusé d’utiliser la parole. Quand ils l’ont reprise, il y a 20 ans, ils en sont tombés malades. L’actualite Septembre 1989
May, 1989
For the Trappist Monks, learning to keep mute sometimes seemed the harshest discipline of all – until the rule of silence was revised. Suddenly, what was there to say? Saturday Night, May 1989. (Honourable mention, National Magazine Awards)
January, 1989
Earlier stories: PDFs available on request. The benefit of the doubt The gay-ordination crisis was threatening to empty its pews and its coffers. That’s when the United Church of Canada began discovering what really holds it together: not knowing what to believe. Saturday Night April 1990 Cry democracy For one native son, the land of black and white appears to be greying. … Continue reading Earlier reporting